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Who Gets the Dog After a Divorce?

Even for couples without children or substantial assets, dividing the things you acquired together can still be difficult. Much like children, pets can be a contentious part of the divorce proceedings. If you and your spouse have a dog, you may wonder who gets the dog in the divorce. Pets and Divorce While dogs are legally property, they mean much…

Can a Divorce Impact a Child’s College Choice?

If you are divorced or are considering a divorce in the future and have college-bound children, it is important to understand the implications divorce can have on their education after high school. Learn how the courts determine which parent pays tuition and how that can affect where your child goes to school. When Divorced Parents Disagree on a College Choice?…

What Happens When a Third Party Joins a Divorce Proceeding?

Divorce is complex process. It is typically conceived as a legal matter involving only two parties, the married partners. However, in many cases, divorce impacts parties beyond the two spouses and their children. Grandparents, siblings, trustees, and organizations may also have vested interest in the outcome of divorce. If the courts find legitimate cause to add a third-party, they do…

How Can I Best Co-Parent for Easter?

Scheduling holidays can be difficult for co-parents. Holidays come just once a year, and both parents want to spend time with their children, as do grandparents and extended family members. The child custody agreement in your divorce will often dictate who gets the children for which holiday and in which year. These guidelines may not always work or be realistic…

What Are the Stages of Divorce Mediation?

There are two main categories of mediation that are possible when going through a divorce: court-ordered mediation and private mediation. Court-ordered mediation is mandatory and requires you to attend every scheduled session of mediation. If you miss even one mandatory mediation session, the court could render a negative decision against your or otherwise punish you. Private mediation is more lenient…

What Are Complex Assets in High-Asset Divorce?

Sometimes, divorce can be simple, where the parties do not have a lot of assets to divide or value. Also, having no children in the relationship makes it easier because you will not have to negotiate child custody, visitation, and child support. However, some divorces can be extremely complex merely due to the number and complexity of assets involved. Every…

How Can I Prepare for a Child Custody Hearing?

Child custody hearings are official court meetings that are set up when separating or divorcing parents cannot work through their differences. Those present at the hearings usually include the child’s parents or guardians, lawyers, and a family law judge. Your first hearing can seem intimidating because you do not know what to expect. Understanding how the process works and preparation…

How Can I Have a Child-Centered Divorce?

Divorce can be overwhelming and emotional, especially when children are involved. Even the most well-intentioned parents can get caught up in their own anxiety, grief, or anger and miss the pain and loss their children feel. There is a solution: a child-centered divorce. A child-centered divorce is an approach used by parents to mitigate the damages of divorce and protect…

Is Divorce Contagious?

Each year in the United States, an estimated 750,000 couples get divorced, according to the CDC. There are many reasons behind a couple’s decision to get divorced. One of the questions that often comes up is whether getting a divorce is a social construct. Does it spread through a group of people or community? Is divorce contagious? Many people believe…

What Questions Should I Ask a Divorce Mediator?

Mediation is a way for divorcing couples to negotiate the terms of their divorce without going to court. Mediation can be faster, more informal, and less expensive than going to court. While mediation is often a good solution, couples need to find the right mediator to help them. First, a mediator should be a local lawyer experienced in mediating divorces….