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Financial Mistakes to Avoid While Divorcing

There are many things to consider when divorcing, from child custody to alimony determinations to property division. It is common for separating spouses to make wrong decisions in all these areas, and the consequences can return to haunt them later. Listed below are some common financial mistakes to avoid. Rushing Things and Not Assessing Assets and Expenses Even if you…

Is Discovery Important in a Divorce Case?

Discovery is a critical part of most divorces. When a couple ends their marriage, there are a host of issues that need to be resolved, such as spousal support, child custody, and property distribution. Discovery is the information-gathering process. It is difficult to achieve a fair resolution unless both sides have been fully transparent about their employment, finances, and assets….

What Questions Should I Ask a Divorce Mediator?

Mediation is a way for divorcing couples to negotiate the terms of their divorce without going to court. Mediation can be faster, more informal, and less expensive than going to court. While mediation is often a good solution, couples need to find the right mediator to help them. First, a mediator should be a local lawyer experienced in mediating divorces….