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The Impact of Your Divorce at Work

Divorce proceedings require significant time, which can lead to paid and unpaid time off to take phone calls, attend meetings, and be present for court proceedings. The missed time can cause companies to cut employee pay, which can be a real problem: Divorcing spouses need an average of 30 percent or more income to maintain their previous living standards.

Additionally, divorce can be distracting. Trying to be productive at work can be challenging. Distraction can lead to poor decision-making, and that can jeopardize a job. The lack of focus and concentration can make it harder to complete tasks, remember when to attend meetings, etc. That can damage someone’s professional reputation.

How Can I Lessen the Impact of Divorce at Work?

People have wide-ranging experiences with divorce; fortunately, they are not always negative. It might be challenging to have an amicable divorce, but there are ways to aim for that goal. Many separating couples work with mediators, making the process less combative and costly. Focusing on co-parenting can also help, and the children’s needs should be prioritized.

You are not legally obligated to share the details of your divorce with work colleagues, but communicating basic information can help. Give a supervisor or co-workers an overview of what is happening, and share important dates when you may need to take time off. Do not get into the details because those should remain private. Let them know you are dedicated to your work responsibilities and will do your best.

Divorce support groups can also help with this. Here, sharing more in-depth information with others who may be going through the same thing is possible. They are also resources for helpful guidance that can get you through the hard times. If you cannot find time to attend in person, search online – if you prefer one-on-one interactions, a therapist can also help you learn to be more focused at work.

Our Marlton Divorce Lawyers at Goldstein & Mignogna, P.A. Guide Clients Who Are Going Through the Divorce Process

A divorce can negatively impact your work performance, but there are ways to deal with it. Contact Goldstein & Mignogna, P.A. for a confidential consultation with one of our experienced Marlton divorce lawyers. Call us at 856-890-9400 or complete our online form today. Located in Marlton, New Jersey, we proudly serve clients in South Jersey, including Burlington County, Camden County, and Gloucester County.

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